Excerpts and Reviews


Jean-Christophe Angaut for Réfractions: recherches et expressions anarchistes


Gavin O’Toole for the Latin American Review of Books

Editors Jim Donaghey, Will Boisseau and Caroline Kaltefleiter have put together an essential collection of essays that explore the activist and political/cultural overlaps of anarchism and punk, pointing out that for years this has been under-appreciated, taken for granted, or met with misunderstanding and hostility …

These examples and others in the book demonstrate the natural attraction punks have for anarchism and how what originated as a sub-cultural musical expression of resistance has become a discernible global counter-culture giving real meaning to daily acts of resistance.



Excerpts from the book, available at:

Punk – Dangerous Utopia: Revisiting the Relationship between Punk and Anarchism, by participants in the CrimethInc. ex-Workers’ Collective, as published on the CrimethInc.com website.

Smash All Systems! (An introduction to Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance), by Jim Donaghey, Will Boisseau and Caroline Kaltefleiter, as published on AnarchistStudies.Blog.

Smash All Systems! (podcast version), read by Jim Donaghey, as published by Anarchist Essays.