Smash the bookshelves!

Well now, what do we have here …?

That’s right – a book! Hot off the presses, volume one of The Anarchism and Punk Book Project has entered material existence. Smash The System! Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance will be available to buy very soon – and we’ll be getting in touch with all our Crowdfunder supporters to double check their postal addresses for their freebie copies.

(Though, with such a hefty tome as this, we might be cheaper just chucking it through your front windows – we’ll confirm delivery options with you).

We’ll have some book launch events happening too, in London, Edinburgh, Belfast, Dublin and New York. Stay tuned for details.

Smash The System! at ASN7 Conference

The Anarchism and Punk Book Project will be convening a panel at the 7th international Anarchist Studies Network conference, held online from the 24th to 26th August 2022.


As you might know, the Anarchism and Punk Book Project first congealed into existence at the 6th incarnation of the ASN conference two years ago, so we’re delighted to be back, and to offer people a sneak peek at three of the chapters in our first book, Smash The System!

Our presentations will be from 13:00-14:30 (UK time) on 24th August. They are:

  • Maxwell Woods, ‘The (Anti-)Neoliberalism of Chilean Punk Anarchism’
  • Casey Robertson, ‘Trans-Feminist Punk in the United States: Collective Action, Activism, and a Libidinal Economy of Noise’
  • Nathanel Amar, ‘“Anarchy in the PRC”: Anarchist practices and references in the Chinese punk movement’

You can view details of the full three-day conference programme at the ASN website.

Up the punx!

Chapter list for Book 1!

Here’s what you can expect from the first book in the Anarchism and Punk series, Smash The System! Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance:

  • Foreword: Punk – dangerous utopia. Participants in the CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective.
  • Introduction: Smash All Systems! Jim Donaghey, Will Boisseau and Caroline Kaltefleiter.
  • Chapter One. Punk in South Africa: Race, class, colonialism and capitalism. Kevin C Dunn.
  • Chapter Two. Kubazuela: Remembering a Caribbean anarchist punk connection between Cuba and Venezuela (‘with rum but without Coca-Cola’). Rodolfo Montes de Oca. Translated by Luke Ray Di Marco Campbell.
  • Chapter Three. Punk archive: Collectionism, memories and resistance in Brazil (1979-2000). Antônio Carlos de Oliveira.
  • Chapter Four. The meanings of anarchism in Brazilian punk: A socio-historical approach. João Batista de M Bittencourt and Tiago de Jesus Vieira.
  • Chapter Five. Anarchist punk and post-left anarchism in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (1983-1993). Mariana Gabriela Calandra.
  • Chapter Six. The (anti-)neoliberalism of Chilean punk anarchism. Max Woods.
  • Chapter Seven. ‘I’m here, and don’t forget it’: Punk, anarchism, repression, and resistance in the Basque Country and Chile. Asel Luzarraga in interview with Jim Donaghey.
  • Chapter Eight. State liberation or state abolition? Czech punk between anti-Communism and anarchism. Ondřej Daniel.
  • Chapter Nine. WAR DANCE (fuck war, let’s dance): Anarchism, punk, and DIY music in Croatia since the 1990s. Marko Vojnić in interview with Len Tilbürger.
  • Chapter Ten. ΜΓΔ: The figure of the cop in the anarchic lyrics of Greek punk. Christos Marneros.
  • Chapter Eleven. ‘We spread the black flag around us’: The punk scene and the anarchist movement in Athens (late 1970s-2010). Yannis N Kolovos.
  • Chapter Twelve. The anarchist ethics of punk: The Punk Ethics collective in the UK. Jay Kerr.
  • Chapter Thirteen. Trans-feminist punk in the United States: Collective action, activism, and a libidinal economy of noise. Casey Robertson.
  • Chapter Fourteen. Anarchism and democracy in Indonesia: An underground perspective. M Rizky Sasono.
  • Chapter Fifteen. AS A PUNK DANGLING FROM THE VERTICAL SOCIETY: Punk in northern Japan as a ‘culture of transgression’. James D Letson.
  • Chapter Sixteen. ‘Anarchy in the PRC’: Anarchist practices and references in the Chinese punk movement. Nathanel Amar.

Those anarchist punks are mysterious…

A somewhat belated update to mark the new year!

The Anarchism and Punk Book Project is progressing well, though, inevitably, we’re a month or two behind our planned schedule (typical anarchists, tut!). The first book in the series, ‘Smash the System!’ Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance, is about to go into the typesetting phase, and the review/revision process is ongoing for the other three volumes, so we’ll have more to share with you in the coming weeks and months.

Stay tuned punx.

Time for an update … SMASH THE SYSTEM!

Time for an update!

Our Crowdfunder goal was surpassed in May, raising almost £3500. We’ve already used some of the money to pay for translations of book chapters from other languages into English. Your support has made that internationalist collaboration possible – thanks!

We received more than 50 chapters more-or-less on time, and we’re expecting the final contributions very soon. The review and revision process is well underway, and we’re on course to publish the first volume in the series later this year. That first book will be titled ‘Smash the System!’ Punk Anarchism as a Culture of Resistance, published by Active Distribution. You can see the preliminary artwork, contributed by Guy Denning with layout by James VOW, in the image here. We’ll share more news on that as things take shape.

BONUS: We recorded a radio/podcast show back in June, discussing The Anarchism and Punk Book Project and playing 28 of our favourite tunes, which you can stream or download at this private link:

CrowdFunder update

We just passed the £2,000 mark on our CrowdFunder campaign! We have about £1,000 to raise in the next week-and-a-half. Help us out if you can:

You can read more about The Anarchism and Punk Project at the DIY Conspiracy website, here:

Or, at the Punk Scholars Network Netherlands website, here:

Check out our CrowdFunder campaign at these places

People have been talking about our CrowdFunder campaign online. Check them out, and share the links.

Rich Cross at The Hippies Now Wear Black:

Unite Asia news site:

DaN at Philosophy Unleashed:

Radio Student, Slovenia:

The Punk Scholars Network blog: