An overdue update – book launch images, future events, and Book 3 on the horizon

A long overdue update …

The book launches in Manchester/Salford and San Francisco in November last year were great (thanks to everyone who hosted us and everyone who came along). Here, have a few pictures:

Venerable book editor Will Boisseau introducing the panel at the People’s Museum in Manchester.
Chapter contributor Ashley Morgan, in action at the Manchester/Salford book launch.
Editor Jim at Bound Together Bookstore in San Francisco.

But enough of this dwelling in the past – what’s next?

We’ll be announcing details of two further events very soon, one online on 13th March, one in Athens on 10th April. Keep your eyes peeled.

And Book 3 is congealing itself into material existence – it may or may not be titled Punk Anarchy in Action! We’re aiming to have it out by the end of 2025, but there’s work to do before we get that far.